Baking animation Maya can take a long time. This can be sped up considerably if the…
Hiding all shape nodes, input and output history from the channel box can reduce animator errors…
TLDR: Exporting deformer weights using cmds.deformerWeights only works for deformers influencing one object. Except with a…
Maya’s Node Editor only allows to graph input/output connections for the selected node. If a node…
Using Python 2.7 (as many people in DCC Packages like Maya do) can be a bit…
Maya’s blendShape node got a big revamp in Maya 2016 Extension 2 with the introduction of…
Copy Skin Weights needs the same joints in source skin and target skin to work. To…
Sometimes the current state of a class instance needs to be saved to be restored later….
Want to select vertex loops while staying in skinning tool & marking menu is too slow?…
Annoyingly the Node Editor never shows all attributes in “Full Mode”. One has to right-click the…