

Fast Animation Baking (Viewport Disabled)

Baking animation Maya can take a long time. This can be sped up considerably if the…

Hide History From Channel Box (isHistoricallyInteresting)

Hiding all shape nodes, input and output history from the channel box can reduce animator errors…

Export Weights for a Deformer Influencing Multiple Objects

TLDR: Exporting deformer weights using cmds.deformerWeights only works for deformers influencing one object. Except with a…

Maya Node Editor: Graph Connection For Single Attribute

Maya’s Node Editor only allows to graph input/output connections for the selected node. If a node…

Python 2.7: Combining args and kwargs with positional and default arguments

Using Python 2.7 (as many people in DCC Packages like Maya do) can be a bit…

Blend Shapes: Add Target, Sculpt, Flip, Mirror, Rename, Duplicate

Maya’s blendShape node got a big revamp in Maya 2016 Extension 2 with the introduction of…

Skinning: Select Joints Assigned to a SkinCluster

Copy Skin Weights needs the same joints in source skin and target skin to work. To…

Save And Restore Class Fields to JSON

Sometimes the current state of a class instance needs to be saved to be restored later….

Skinning: Select Vertex Loop

Want to select vertex loops while staying in skinning tool & marking menu is too slow?…

Translate And Rotate Skinned Joints Without Moving Geometry

Want to rotate a skinned joint but Move Skinned Joints tool keeps exiting on rotation? Use…

Node Editor Show All Attributes

Annoyingly the Node Editor never shows all attributes in “Full Mode”. One has to right-click the…

Toggle Time Slider Snapping

When painting weights with animation poses in your timeline try turning off time slider snapping in…